The On30 Group

This syndicate has two interests within the group:
The first being the Modular Group which is affiliated to the "Slim Gauge Circle" On30 Modular Group. Each member of the syndicate is encouraged to build and own at least one 4' x 2' Module. These are built to a specific set of standards so that each module can be linked/joined to other group members modules thus making up a grand railroad. Both the modular group and syndicate model North American Narrow Gauge in layout form.
The second part of the syndicate is an Exhibition layout Snowy River Railroad this is also North American Narrow Gauge and can link via a corner module to the modular group.
Modular Group

The Modular System is not new and in our case very simple, following the specifications set by the Northern Californian On30 Modular Groups for what is a very basic 4' x 2' module/board.
The syndicate is looking to change this slightly by using the 'Grainge and Hodder Ltd.' flat pack modular build method (see their site by clicking the link for details).
This is a very established syndicate within the club and is always looking for more members to join. The idea of the modular group is that everyone should be able build at least one module and as it is a small board should have the space to store it at home, along with having the pleasure of linking it up with other members modules.
A very fun and social part of model railways.
On30 Modular Group-part of the "Midland Moonshiners"

Snowy River Railroad

Snowy River Railroad has been a work in progress involving 4 members of the club over the last two and a half years.
Currently, it is the clubs main ambassador layout on the Exhibition circuit and has been so for the last two years and has, at the last count, attended 10 exhibitions.
The layout is made up of 3 modules each measuring 4' x 2' and is loosely based on the 'two-footers' of Maine, USA.